"I got arrested at Occupy last night.."
"Holy shit, really? Did you get pepper sprayed? what happened?"
"So, I got pushed out of the actual encampment by the police almost as soon as I snuck past the perimeter...I hooked up with a contingent that was blocking one of the intersections...so that the arrest buses couldn't get through to the camp...after the cops tore down Tent City, they started coming after the intersections...I got arrested with a bunch of other people and they had us line up against a nearby fence..."Backs to the street!" they said...a couple cops hung back, as the rest pushed forward...THEN OUT OF FUCKING NOWHERE, this guy comes running down the line with wire cutters and snips our restraints..."
"Just a random dude with wire cutters?"
"Anarchist guy...I didn't know him, but you could tell he was skilled at unarresting...I almost died THRICE hopping a fence through a construction site...booking it through the whole time..."
"Did you get any photos or video?"
"Unfortunately, no video or pictures...I'm poor...all I had was a shitty phone...I keep the battery in with tape...haha...
"That is badass, although its a bummer they destroyed Tent City. Are there any plans to re-occupy?"
"I know they had a candlelight vigil today around city hall for those who got arrested (200+), but, I'm sure they'll have no problem re-occupying..."