Saturday, January 23, 2016

The Mahabharata: Princes and Princesses

The following is from a work-in-progress called The Mahabharata: a Book Report, in which I'm slowly reading through the Hindu epic poem The Mahabharata, and writing a book report on what I read.  

When the three princes of Hastinapura (Dhrtarastra the Blind, Pandu the Pale, and Vidura the Wise) came of age, Bhisma set about getting them wives.  Dhrtarastra the eldest was married to a princess named Gandhari.  She was so sympathetic to her husband's blindness that she wore a blindfold at all times.

Pandu actually got two wives: Kunti and Madri, both princesses.  Kunti was a bit controversial because she'd already fathered a child by the Sun god--the mighty warrior Karna, who carried a powerful spear given to him by the god Indra--who would ultimately fight against her other sons.  Vidura, being born of a servant-girl, didn't fare quite as well as his brothers.  He was married to an illegitimate daughter of King Devaka.

Dhrtarastra and Gandhari