It was incredibly inspiring to meet these adults, with varying developmental disabilities, totally excited about making art and music. Their artwork could be characterized as "outsider art" which is one of my favorite kinds. It's not about technical training, and more about passion and individual expression. People with disabilities are often defined by what they cannot do, but Hope University seeks to foster and showcase the amazing things these people can do. Here are some pictures I took of the artists at work:
And here is some of the amazingly cool artwork I saw:
In addition to arts programs, Hope University also has a band called the Hi Hopes, who have played numerous shows. Here they are:
One of the artists, Sharon, made paper mache models of some members of the band. These are my favorite pieces:
The artist at work...
The exhibit will open in November during the Downtown Fullerton Art Walk, at Hibbleton Gallery in the Magoski Arts Colony. To learn more about Hope University, and how you can contribute, visit their web site HERE. Stay tuned for a video and more details!