Monday, February 25, 2013

Art by Anne Cynn...Life, the Universe, Everything

Last month's show at Hibbleton Gallery was called "A New Space: An Exploration of the Color Black."  It was a massive group show curated by Hank Huang, and featured many artists from the Cal State Fullerton art community.  Last night, I was hanging out in the gallery, waiting for artists to pick their work up, and I kept starting at one piece in particular.  It was by the artist Anne Cynn, and featured several printed images organized in a large grid.  It looked like this:

I really liked this piece.  It made me think about things.  I liked it so much that I decided to take a photograph of each image on the grid.  Together, they create fascinating associations between mind, body, and the universe.  Here for your artistic enrichment, are each of the images on Anne's piece.  Take them in, and reflect.

My friend Steve Elkins, a documentary filmmaker, once said, "Artists attempt to draw lines between orphaned constellations."  I feel like that sentiment applies to this wonderful piece by Anne Cynn.