“Almost six million people joined hands all across America on May 25, 1986. About 4,000 of those people were part of the chain of hands in Fullerton. It was called
Hands Across America. It was a chain of people holding hands. The chain was long enough to stretch from New York to Los Angeles. Fullerton was chosen to one of the cities where the people joined hands...The Fullerton Line of people stretched north on Harbor Boulevard to the edge of La Habra. At each end of the line, the Fullerton people joined hands with the Anaheim and the La Habra people. Everybody lined up along the street and joined hands at exactly 12 o’clock noon. Policemen stopped automobile traffic for a few minutes so the people holding hands would be safe. Each person paid $10 (or more) to be a part of
Hands Across America. The money added up to millions of dollars. It was given to people all over America who had no food or no homes.”
--Ostrich Eggs for Breakfast