Writing and Art

Monday, June 30, 2014

The American Presidents: George H.W. Bush

The following is from a work-in-progress called "The American Presidents: a Coloring Book," which will be released at Hibbleton Gallery on the Fourth of July, 2014, during the Downtown Fullerton Art Walk.

George H. W. Bush (born 1924) was the 41st President of the United States.   After serving in World War II, he moved his family to West Texas and entered the oil business, becoming a millionaire by the age of 40.  He co-founded the Zapata Petroleum Corporation, which specialized in offshore drilling.  He served as Director of the CIA during the Ford administration.  During the the Bush presidency, military operations were conducted in Panama ("Operation Just Cause”) and the Persian Gulf  (“Operation Desert Storm”). The Berlin Wall fell in 1989, and the Soviet Union dissolved two years later.  Bush signed the Americans With Disabilities Act, but  vetoed the Civil Rights Act of 1990.  Bush became a life member of the NRA and campaigned as a "Pro-gun" candidate.   Bush's administration spearheaded the negotiations of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA),  which was signed by Bill Clinton.  On June 12, 2014, Bush fulfilled a long standing promise by skydiving on his 90th birthday.