Writing and Art

Friday, May 9, 2014

May Downtown Fullerton Art Walk Photos!

During the May Downtown Fullerton Art Walk, I walked around to various venues and took photos.  In May, the Art Walk venues remembered our friend Mike Atta with posters flowers, candles, and donation boxes for the family.  Mike was the owner of Out of Vogue and a dear friend of the Fullerton creative community.

Here are photos at the various venues.  I didn't make it to all 25, but I tried. 

Blanquel Popular Art (109 S. Harbor Blvd) 

BTNC (203 N. Harbor Blvd) www.beatniconline.com

Carpe Diem Experience (115 S. Harbor Blvd) 

Internal Gallery & Oddities (inside Carpe Diem Experience) www.internalgallery.com

Comic Book Hideout (215 W. Commonwealth Ave) www.comicbookhideout.com

Green Bliss Cafe (305 N. Harbor Blvd) www.green-bliss.com

Lolo: a boutique (305 N. Harbor Blvd) www.loloboutique.com

Lucero Photography (112 W. Wilshire Ave) www.lucerophotography.com

Max Bloom's Cafe Noir (220 N. Malden Ave) www.maxbloomscafenoir.com

The Night Owl (200 N. Harbor Blvd) www.thenightowlfullerton.com

Out of Vogue (109 E. Commonwealth Ave) www.outofvogue.com

Roadkill Ranch & Boutique (119 E. Commonwealth Ave) www.roadkillranch.com

Unity Salon (305 N. Harbor Blvd) www.unitysalon.com

Inside the Magoski Arts Colony (223/225 W. Santa Fe Ave) www.magoskiartscolony.com

Neighborhood Studio (www.thinkneighborhood.com)

Hibbleton Gallery (this is my gallery!) www.hibbleton.com

BOOKMACHINE books + zines (www.bookmachinezines.com)

The Egan Gallery (www.artwithanagenda.org)

Anna Hansen Studio

Valerie Lewis Studio (www.valewis.com)

EE Jacks Studio (www.eejacksart.com)

Myra Bryan Studio

Leanne Sargent Studio (www.leannesargeant.com)

Artside Studio (www.artsidestudio.org)

Coolest dudes of the Art Walk...

If you missed the May Art Walk, do not despair.  The Downtown Fullerton Art Walk happens the first Friday of every month.  There are 25 venues which show new artwork every month.  It's free, fun, and inspiring.  Hope to see you in June! (www.fullertonartwalk.com)