Writing and Art

Saturday, February 22, 2014

February @ The Magoski Arts Colony

Tonight was the closing reception for all our February shows at The Magoski Arts Colony.  I walked around taking pictures of the art.  We have a pretty rapid turnover of art shows at the colony, so I feel it's important to document all this creativity.  Here's what we had going on in February…

At Hibbleton Gallery, we had a show entitled Word Play, featuring art by Devin Wais, Ali Kilian, Jonathan Juliani, Anna Hansen, Brian Prince, John Sollom, Nancy Johnson, Esther Jacks, Patrick Nguyen, Mark Mendez, and Amanda Reeves:

At The Neighborhood (formerly known as PAS Gallery) there was a show entitled "The Lyrical Muse" featuring artwork by Melinda Hagman.

At The Egan Gallery, there was a show entitled "Divergency" featuring artwork by Adam Watts.

At Bookmachine books + zines, there was a show entitled Words, Words, Words featuring artwork by Ricardo Gonsalves, Michael Magoski, Steffi Mollers, and Chinese Maoist propaganda artists.

Colony artists Valerie Lewis and Leanne Sargent did a show entitled XXXO: Valentine Erotica.

Violethour Studio had a show entitled "Turpentine Kisses" featuring artwork by Mayra Bryan and Candace Magoski.

Colony artist Esther Jacks curated a show entitled "Connections."

If you couldn't make it to the Colony this month, don't worry.  We have new shows the first Friday of every month, during the Downtown Fullerton Art Walk.