Writing and Art

Sunday, September 23, 2012

"Heaven's On Fire" at AR4T Gallery

Yesterday, I visited AR4T Gallery in Laguna Beach.  For a long time, I associated Laguna Beach art with dumb seascapes and whales (i.e. complacent rich people art), but my friends over at AR4T are changing that image with their contemporary exhibits.  Their current show is called HEAVEN’S ON FIRE.  It's a show about rock icons featuring the art of Steve Whelan, David Blake, Robin Flemyng, Rob De Bank, Lyndsey Byrnes, and Lisa Johnson.  Here are some pics I took of the exhibit...

Your friendly neighborhood gallery owner Torrey Cook.  The exhibit runs through September 29th, so go see it, Philistines!  I am also excited about their next show FUTURELAND 2012, which is a politically charged show about American flags.