Writing and Art

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

I am a rich man

It's funny that right now, when I am as poor as I've been in a while, when I should be like freaking out about money and bills and stuff, I am as happy as I've been in quite a while.

Tonight, I had band practice, and then I was hanging out in Hibbleton and the new Art Colony on Santa Fe we are creating, I was hanging out with Landon, and the artists William Zdan and John Sollum, and the gallery owners Brian Prince and Mike Magoski, and we were talking about art, and music and the future of this endeavor we are doing together. I am going to have a book store. And I am setting up my own art show tomorrow at Cafe West. I was driving home and thinking, man, this is really fucking cool. All these relationships, this creativity and vision. I am following my heart and these people are too and we are, in a sense, doing it together, and it feels really good. It's not about money, but relationships and community and creativity.

Tomorrow I get to interview Niagara Detroit, a super famous lowbrow artist. And then I'm gonna hang my show at Cafe West, and help hang the Hibbleton show.

I ate dinner tonight at Choice Burgers, and these two guys at the table next to me were arguing about real estate rental rates and stuff, and I wanted to turn to them and ask, "Is this what you want to do with your life?"

With all humility, I can say that I am doing exactly what I want to do with my life. I am not financially successful, but I am happy. Therefore, I am a rich man.